Friday, February 6, 2009

Pain... so much pain...

I just found out.... that i most probably tore a muscle between my arm and my chest... It hurts so bad and I had to miss body pump today... Yesterday's Body Jam... KILLED my arm... especially the samba track but apart from that, it was okay... oh right... GET WELL SOON ALAN!! TT^TT Hes sick T^T he looks... REEEAAAALLLLLYYYY stressed.... I don't think he should do body attack today seeing as he looked and sounded SUPER sick last night O_O And on another note, I am so freaking dead.... Why is Physics and Chemistry so freaking hard? And above all of that, our chemistry teacher... CANT EVEN SPEAK PROPPER ENGLISH... O_O The only word to describe Science 1 of 2009... DOOMED.... I admit... I honestly have no spare time for extra tuition... And personally, i don't WANT any more == so i guess its self studying and late night cramming for me O_O Great... just what i needed... Less sleep... i barely get 5 hours as it is... BARELY... as in... if i'm lucky and EXHAUSTED... Ah #(*%^@#(*$)(@#_)^%!)@) T^T

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