Tuesday, April 21, 2009


These days, I have been swarmed with homework. Its amazing i can even blog with my mid terms in about 2 and a half weeks... Its just gonna be ranting from here on in so you can just stop reading here unless you want to read about a bratty kid and her problems in school. ok. here goes... My birthday will be spent studying. My before exams will be spent cramming. My after exams will be spent designing the cover of the school mag and cleaning my room. And honestly, I'm afraid. There are a lot of "what if"s And "maybe"s But the only "DEFINITELY" in my life right now is: I'm DEFINITELY not looking forward to the near future. And as Jessie, Alan and Pauline have mentioned lately, 24 hours in a day isnt enough. same goes for 7 days a week. The only thing i'm getting too much of is FOOD. I have been putting on pound after pound even though i go to the gym 6 days a week and eat healthy food D8 WHERES THE MEANING IN THAT?!?!?!?! JESUS CHRIST! T^T And the computer isnt helping... sometimes... i think living in the stone age would be less stressful... sure there wasnt any cable, no sewage plants, no GYM D8 Ok... Gym aside, They also didnt have EXAMS, MONEY(root of all evil), an IQ high enough to be emo and other BLAH things... But... nevermind living in the stone age... i dont think i could LIVE without jam... lol... Right now, i have gone through most of my homework... but i dont think i can keep this up for much longer... i HAVE to lessen my burdens before the BIG BIG BIG exam next year... AND I HAVE TO LOSE WEIGHT TOO DD<

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